Standards #4: Content Knowledge

Standards #4: Content Knowledge

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.

My mentor texts assignment is a google site that showcases a selection of mentor texts aligned with the six writing traits. Each text gives a description, along with a connection to the trait. Additionally, I also created a mini lesson out of each of the mentor texts that can be flexibly used in the classroom. 

This artifact aligns with the Standard of Content Knowledge, demonstrating my ability to create meaningful and accessible learning experiences while grasping essential concepts and inquiry tools. Teachers also need to know how to formatively assess students to determine gaps. The google site serves as a great inquiry tool. On the site, I create important learning experiences using the texts I selected to teach a certain concept. In one of the lessons I made, I used a mentor text to help students learn about voice. I started with reading the mentor text as a class (I do). Then, I had students find areas where the writer’s voice comes out (We do). Lastly I had students create a short story about what they did over the weekend using their own writing voice, and the book as a resource (You do) (This is the part where the teacher conducts assessment)I think writing about their own experiences helps students have active engagement in learning. This is an exemplary mini lesson that could be used in a real classroom setting. Scaffolding is used for the gradual release of control, which is an environment that creates individual AND collaborative learning. There is also several ways this lesson could be differentiated or modified. I can also correctly create forms of formative assessment. 

Through this assignment, I demonstrate my ability to apply the content knowledge I’ve gained to develop practical lessons and create formative assessments. Learning about mentor texts and their role in student development has expanded my educational knowledge and will be extremely valuable in my future teaching. Understanding how mentor texts can illuminate specific ideas or concepts has increased my confidence in teaching various aspects of writing. This assignment has led me to several resources that I am able to use effectively in instruction.

In EDU202, I made a metaphor for curriculum. I drew a garden with all different colored flowers. Below my drawing, I explained that curriculum is like a garden. It gives students room to grow; the standards are like the “water” for the flowers. I talked about how students are like flowers, all at different levels of growth. Curriculum is the structure/ the garden. I loved completing this assignment because it made me realize I fully understand the meaning of curriculum and the importance of it. The point of curriculum is to prepare students for the next grade level. While learning about it, I’ve also acknowledged that all students are different. As a teacher, I will be sure to make sure I am meeting all of my students’ needs. Learning gaps are common in every classroom. Therefore, we must help our students determine what works best for them. For example, some students work better when fidgeting with something, which is okay. This assignment has expanded my pedagogical knowledge and helped me understand what being a teacher is like. You are constantly depending on your knowledge and learning new things every day.
